We went inactive for a couple of months, but as soon as we saw a local news yesterday, we made a voxel character resembles our founder in his university outfit standing for our beloved king.
He was a good leader. Despite not taking many actions in politics, he started thousands of projects during his lifetime to help Thai people especially in agriculture, one of Thailand's main industries.
Now it is time for him to rest. We thank him for everything he did. If you are in Cambridge, MA and interested, Mt. Auburn Hospital is his place of birth. Also, there is King Bhumibol Adulyadej Square just half a mile away to the east.
Sorry for the lose to your country. I hear he was a good king and a great source of pride for the Thais.
Noisysundae (Updated )
Thank you. He is our light of hope, particularly when Thailand is unstable like this moment.