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A bit late due to the exam week last week. This time, I don't really have anything related to Noisysundae to fill this post so I'll leave my spooky scary shark rocket here.
And this is the original drawing. Made during the class. :P
Did tribal art occasionally since grade 9. It's an effective time killer when I'm idle because all I have to do is just drawing random shapes together and paint it black. (Hmmmm...reference.) But for this one, I got an idea beforehand. I draw tribal stuff with blank mind most of the time. XD
The next sundae for halloween may come with a wallpaper of tribal art like this one. Should it be on the art portal, anyway?
Looks like a shark too, rocket tribal shark head of doom?
Noisysundae (Updated )
What? Is it a shark or is it a rocket? I'm confused now.
Anyway, I didn't see many tribal artists around here. :/