Posted by Noisysundae - January 25th, 2020
"As I have said in this post that I'm doing something about the description, I got a suggestion from Tom regarding the new description formatting. Tried storing in RTF editors like Microsoft Word and Google Docs. It looked good in them, yes, but there was one thing: The poor block quotes, like one you're reading right now, didn't make it due to the block quote itself having no equivalent in the RTF format. So, what am I doing now?
Since these things are HTML elements, I'm making a static page to generate them, plus other stuff like audio file metadata and JS object for visualizer 3.0.

For this, it'll take a week or two from now before the next menu release. Once this template (It's rather a small program at this point.) is done, it will greatly help saving my time and energy releasing a menu by being able to fill in everything in one place. Still have to manually copy everything to each site, though, unless I go as far as coding HTTP requests or something.
The header rows on the right are the sites I publish something on for each menu (except AE and Mp3tag, of course). One requirement is the ability to save the filled page as one HTML file so I can put it into each menu's directory. Also, it's been a few months since I last touched Noisysundae HQ so I need some exercise. Have never grown distant to web dev, though, since I open up the Inspector quite often."
— The Manager