Sate Your Musical Appetite.
"Definition of me: A code laborer who cares about his true passion." — The Manager

Age 30

Bard, Nerd

College of Winterhold

Bangkok, Thailand

Joined on 1/12/14

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Renovation (Updated: 29 Sep 2019)

Posted by Noisysundae - August 18th, 2019

Table of Contents

ㅤㅤ• Note of the Week

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ• 29 Sep 2019: Delayed..

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ• Visualizer 3.0

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ• Menu Release Dates

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ• Other Stuff

ㅤㅤ• Commission Details (not yet opened)

ㅤㅤ• TODO List

Note of the Week


ㅤ"I've underestimated the render time on Blender. Been having at it for over 20 hours now and it looks like taking up around 40 more. Sorry for the delay, but it won't be in October for sure! For now, I can do nothing but wait. Hang in there, my laptop." — The Manager

Visualizer 3.0

ㅤ"Dayum, now I really hate my perfectionism. You know right away it's gonna be next Sunday if you see this and the banner! For now, I'll leave the final 10-second intro here." — The Manager

ㅤOne big change on the visualizer 3.0 is that the YouTube End Screen is not available in the ultrawide format. While it is sad that there will be no more clickable stuff at the end (And it obviously means we were forced to scrap the current end screen concept. We should have discovered this sooner.), this also allows us to design the end overlay to look good everywhere, not just on YouTube. The Recipe part of the visualizer overlay may not make it to Motivation because it is still not stable enough, but we are trying to make it work before the next new menu release in November.

Menu Release Dates

These two are the candidates for the next release! For the remastered menus, the release schedule has changed a bit. To spare some time for working on the rest of the renovation project while also keeping up with the releases and commissions (if we manage to find one, let alone make a living on them), the release dates will follow the same rule as we did Motivation: It may or may not be released, but if it is, it will be on Sunday. Not on the first Sunday of the month, though, since we save that for newly created menu. Note that the delayed dates are mostly because of the visualizer. Our tradition is to release everything in a menu simultaneously.

Other Stuffs

ㅤWe are going to get back at making more menu starting next week. Unfortunately, we really cannot call the current state of our renovation finished. The Noisysundae HQ has not progress any further than last month. The theme components for some branches still have not been made. The visualizers for each flavor, too, which act as an animated version of flavor wallpapers. For now, our plan after next Sundae is to finish the Post and the About section of the Noisysundae HQ ASAP since we are going to need them very soon (updates, portfolio for commissions, copyright notice, etc.).

ㅤFor anyone missed the previous notes, the Renovation WIP Stuff playlist on YouTube contains previews of what is to come when the renovation is finished.

Commission Details

(not yet opened)

ㅤWe are going to write down all the details in the Noisysundae HQ. It will be available once the renovation is finished. As of now, the styles we intended to go for the commissions are atmospheric and melodic stuff as you usually taste from our menus like OceansideHeart of the Mountain, and many other. We also prefer epic (fake) chiptune like Midnight Phantoms and piano stuff too. All is mixed with the current mastering approach (Cosmic Observer and Your Everyday Happycore, for examples). Currently, we set the main focus on the renovation and we are going to finish it first within a few months.


This list is updated weekly but the actual changes are not.

ㅤ+ : New ← Newly added entries are marked as new for one week

ㅤ- : Plan

ㅤ= : Design

ㅤ* : Implement

ㅤ# : Finished

New Default Theme

ㅤBanner Overlays (16:9 base ratio) #

ㅤIcons #

ㅤAnimated Jingle #

ㅤFacebook: Story Banner -

ㅤYoutube: Channel Trailler -


ㅤWallpaper/Animated Wallpaper Template #

ㅤFlavor (Cover) Templates (Regular, 16:9, Youtube Thumbnail) #

ㅤIcon Badge Template #

ㅤReplacing Flavor Cover with Cropped Wallpaper (for menus released with wallpapers) -

ㅤUpdating All Flavor Covers (Completed: 6 / 10) ######---- [On Hold: We are planning to start this task over due to the change of the base aspect ratio for artworks.]

ㅤㅤAir Flavored

ㅤㅤReconstruction Flavoredㅤ(was Remix Flavored)

ㅤㅤMajesty Flavoredㅤ(was Majestica Flavored)

ㅤㅤMetal Flavored

ㅤㅤPiano Flavored

ㅤㅤPixel Flavored

ㅤㅤRandomness Flavoredㅤ(was Unnamed Flavored)

ㅤㅤVanilla Flavoredㅤ(was Classic Flavored)

ㅤㅤSpace Flavored

ㅤㅤVelocity Flavored


ㅤMenu Description Template #

ㅤUpdating Existing Description (incl. grammar fix) #

ㅤUpdating Additional Texts in Each Branch #

ㅤUpdating File Tags (Metadata) #


ㅤChanging Base Format from WAV to FLAC #

ㅤAll-new FL Studio Template #

ㅤRemastered Menus (Completed: 15 / 15) #

ㅤThe Noisysundae Anthem (Revealed: The title is 'Motivation') #

Other Updates

ㅤMake the menu (a playlist with all main releases) for all branches #

ㅤThai Language Support *

Noisysundae Visualizer 3.0

ㅤThe 10-second intro #

ㅤVisualizer Section

ㅤㅤLayout Header *

ㅤㅤLayout Content: The Mixer *

ㅤㅤLayout Content: The Recipe *

ㅤㅤLayout Content: The Scoop *

ㅤㅤDefault Visualizers for each Flavor (Completed: 0 / 10) *

ㅤEnd Screen *

ㅤBPM, Key Signature Indicators *

Noisysundae HQ (Noisysundae.com) & About 3.0

ㅤLoading Screen & Jingle *

ㅤMenu Header (After Jingle, Top of the Page) *

ㅤPosts =

ㅤDownloads -

ㅤAbout =

ㅤInfo -

ㅤSettings *

ㅤPlayer -

Note: There will be no more changes on Blogger, MySpace, and YourListen since we are planning to close them after we finish the renovation.



This is a pretty big to-do-list, but y'all have knocked everything out of the park so far...so good luck to you. :P